April 30th at 4:00pm (2:45pm if you can help with cleanup)
At Chanco on The James in the Community Center Dining Hall
Bring a dish to share!
Please join us at Chanco on the James in the Community Center Dining Hall to celebrate our new Cursillistas from Cursillo 170. Make it your plan to arrive at 4:00 p.m. If you can assist Servant Community with clean up, please arrive at 2:45 p.m. but be discreet, we don’t want the candidates to know we are there . Bring a dish to share!
I truly encourage each of you to make it your plan to attend this closing on April 30th in support of Cursillo #170. We have 38 Team Members and 20 Candidates, praise God for this and attend closing. The team and candidates will appreciate your support by attending the 2nd Cursillo since Covid. Again, I can’t stress the importance of attending closing this spring! MAKE IT YOUR PLAN, invite a friend, share a ride, gather with one another, I know Christ can count on you!
Nancy Comfort, Lay Director
For more information contact: laydirector@cursillodiosovamail.com