(888) 724-2626 hospitality@chanco.org

Chanco hosts two awesome events during the winter that have been a huge hit! Save the Dates for both our December Lock-In (December 8-9, 2017) and Winter Camp weekend (January 12-14, 2018). Both of these events offer our campers an opportunity to either try Chanco for a shorter period of time before a one-week or two-week session next summer or an opportunity to reunite with camp friends and come back to what many call their “second home” without waiting a whole year! 

DECEMBER LOCK IN: Parents, looking for some extra free time without teenagers underfoot to get your Christmas shopping done? Kids, interested in some cool games, social activities, delicious snacks and Chanco fun in the winter? Then our December Lock-In is for you! The December Lock-In will be held December 8-9, 2017. Click here  for more information or to register. 10% of the proceeds of this event will be donated to Episcopal Relief and Development for disaster relief for victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Questions? Contact Diocesan Youth Missioner Ashley Scruggs at ascruggs@disovoa.org or 757-213-3393.

WINTER CAMP: Many of our campers grades 6-12 enjoy returning to Chanco during the school year for events such as November Weekend, Happening, and May Weekend.  Winter Camp is the opportunity for our youngest campers to return to Chanco during the school year! Winter Camp is for ages 7-12 and will be held January 12-14, 2018. Winter Camp is just $125 and will involve many of the most loved traditional camp activities such as low ropes activities, zip lines, archery, crafts, and evening programs, just to name a few!  

Campers will sleep “lock in style” in sleeping bags in conference center meeting rooms and some of your favorite summer staff will be returning to help lead this fantastic camp weekend.  Winter Camp is the perfect opportunity to reunite with your old camp friends, enjoy the gorgeous outdoors of Chanco, and/or introduce a younger camper to Chanco before a one-week or two-week session next summer!  

Come join us for one or both of these second annual youth events! Questions?  Contact Director of Programs Nathan Hoyt at programs@chanco.org or 888-7CHANCO (888-724-2626).  We can’t wait to see you back or for the first time this winter!