(888) 724-2626 hospitality@chanco.org

Join women from all over the diocese at Chanco’s Semi-Annual Women’s Retreat. Come together with meaningful discussions, spiritually renewing worship, and fabulous fellowship. This event is open to women 18 years and older.

This years theme will be Room at the table where we will explore the mysteries of the last supper.

Either come Friday and stay the night on the 12th or come just for the day on the 13th.

Overnight Shared Room- $110
Overnight Single Room- $150
Day Only- $40

Overnight Guests can plan to arrive between 7 and 8 PM with the program starting at 8 PM.

Overnight participants are encouraged to bring a snack or beverage to share. Overnight participants will enjoy an omelet bar breakfast!

Day only guest plan to arrive at 9AM on Saturday.

Overnight and Day only guests will enjoy a light lunch and the afternoon tea.

The program will end at 4 PM on Saturday.

Any issues or questions? Call us in the office at 7572943126 or email us at programs@chanco.org.

For questions, please call 888-7CHANCO or email hospitality@chanco.org