(888) 724-2626 hospitality@chanco.org

Cursillo is an opportunity to grow in faith and spirituality, share a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus, and belong to a continuing community that gives support and encouragement to help Christians carry out our baptismal vows. We are blessed to share in this community with one another and are excited to welcome our newest Cursillistas, those attending upcoming Cursillo #163, to our community!

During this special Fourth Day gathering we will:

• Share in a potluck lunch

• Hear a message from our Lay Director

• Hear a witness talk

• Hear a presentation on the upcoming capital project plans for Chanco and how Chanco’s future plans will support Cursillo’s continued ministry with improvements to make Chanco a more accessible, comfortable and vibrant place to do God’s work

Questions? Contact Ronda Toll at rtoll@cox.net or 757-869-8873 or Talley Banazek at talley@banazek.com or 804-399-4019.

We look forward to seeing you there and sharing more about Chanco’s bright future and how it can support the important programs of the Episcopal Church and Cursillo.